Monday, October 23, 2006

What does this say about your sister and brother-in-law?

I had a headache this afternoon, so I came home and took a nap. I woke up just before I heard Pete come home, so just to be stupid I pulled the sheet over my head and "hid." He walked around the apartment and even came into our room and didn't see me (the new bedding is very puffy). So he left. I figured maybe when he didn't see me he'd gone to the coffee shop (as he often does), having assumed I'd gone somewhere or gone running (ha!). And I felt sad, because it was my fault he left. I had done such a good job of hiding. But he was only gone for about ten minutes. Turns out he went outside and walked around the neighborhood looking for me. I found it rather amusing that he'd go wandering around looking for me like I was an escaped golden retriever. Did he expect to find me in a neighbor's yard or something?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Day in the Life

Today I had to wear red sparkly shoes that pinched my toes, hoping that the gimmick of "test shoes" would somehow magically cause all of my students to pass their reading skills test. The shoes did not work such magic, and now I think I might lose a toenail. Then this afternoon I watched a nine-year-old barf on her yoga mat. She tried to surreptitiously wipe it up with a kleenex and continue with her sun salutations until I stopped her.