Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More on the JK-RJ rumors brought to our attention by this girl who was Lindsay's friend--until she told us about the rumors

GMMR!! We love you so much! Keep up the good work. And we know that rather than perpetuating those rumors, you were just lamenting their possible truth.

Lindsay found herself experiencing similar emotions yesterday after hearing about the possible John-Rashida connection.* But her sorrow was based on suddenly discovering the gap between fiction and reality. We were on the phone, and she said--hesitantly, as though speaking the idea confirmed its truth--"I'm beginning to think that John isn't REALLY Jim." It's like as a child when I first got the idea that maybe Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, et al weren't exactly who I thought they were. I didn't know for sure, but the first taste of disillusionment was crushing. I mean, my dad is really great, but Santa is awesome in this mythical way. To think that Santa wasn't real but was just a role played by this really-great-but-normal guy...it was a hard pill to swallow.

Not that John Krasinski isn't cool--he loves David Foster Wallace and he did karaoke on Ellen!--but it's like, Jim Halpert is the tooth fairy. And John Krasinski is my dad.

OK, that comparison just took a really bizarre turn. But my message is this: Lindsay, don't fret. Christmas will still come every Thursday at 8:30, no matter the true identity of the guy who's delivering the presents.

*Not because Lindsay has anything against Rashida Jones. She's obviously talented and seems perfectly nice. It's just...she looks just like this Karen girl with whom we have a problem.


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